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Monday, February 24, 2014

The Fancy Dress Show : Kamala Das

Every virtue requires today
A fancy dress; the cassock is the priest's main virtue; the clever
Politician dons a saint's mean
Apparel. The only ash is
On the legitimate forehead,
And the holy water is in
The legitimate container. Confessions
Are mumbled regularly in the dark.
The patriots have survived their
Long fasts; the children of the poor
Have not been so lucky, we hear
A pity. The city morgues are
Full of unclaimed cadavers, yes
God is in his heaven and all
Is right with this stinking world.

 Kamala Das


  1. The Fancy Dress Show is Kamala Das's one of the main poems.The present selfish world is reflected in the poem. Today we need many dresses to cover the darkness of our mind.We feel superior on others even there is not.The world of victimisation is an unsurmoundable one since god is in the heaven.Patriot's long fast survives the death ie, it is to show others.Without any reason poor children are fasting.They are not able to survive their hunger.Here poet beautifully shows the monotonous condition of the present world.


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